# Custom ticket list

To create custom ticket lists you have to be using v4.6.1+ of OpenSupports.

1. Open your index.php file

2. Go inside <body> tag

3. Create an array of objects called window.customTicketList in a <script> tag after <div id="app"></div>.Each element of the array represents a different custom list.

Each object of the array window.customTicketList has to have this structure :

{ 'title': ' ', 'filters': {} }

4. Save your file.

5. You should be able to see your custom lists in the admin panel in the ticket section.

Filters :

  • closed : boolean
  • unReadStaff : boolean
  • assigned : boolean
  • tags : array of id's
  • departments : array of id's
  • owners : array of id's
  • priority : array of max 3 numbers options: (1/2/3)
  • dateRange : array of exactly 2 numbers, first date->last date (yyyymmddhhmm)
  • authors : array of objects, {id,staff} id of the author, boolean to determinate if is an user or a staff
  • query : string
  • orderBy : object, {value,asc} value to make the order (closed/owner_id/unread_staff/priority/date), boolean to determite direction of the order

Example :

[ { 'title': 'First List', 'filters': { 'closed': 1, 'owners': '[22,2,15]', 'dateRange': '[201707100000,202003100000]', 'priority': '[0,1,2]','tags': '[6,8,17]', 'departments': '[5]','authors': "[{'id':1,'staff':1}]"} }, { 'title': 'Second List', 'filters': { 'query': 'hi', 'assigned': 1 ,'unReadStaff': 1, 'orderBy': "{'value': 'closed', 'asc': 0}" } } ]