# Settings

# System Preferences

Here you can

  • Enable Maintenance mode, it will temporary disable the system for regular users so you can do stuff
  • Change the url and title of your page if you're allowed to do so
  • Choose if you want a boxed Layout or go for a full width option I personally recomend boxed
  • Set up the main's languages and the supported languages
  • Allow and modify file attachments
  • Guarantee security using Recaptcha public and private key for log in

# Advanced Settings

Here you can

  • Enable mandatory login for customers that permits only registered users can create a ticket

  • Enable user registration this one permits customers create a user

  • Include users via CSV file use this for import users ussing a CSV file formated like [email], [password], [username]

  • Backup database download a copy of the data base in a sql file

  • Delete all users will erase all users

# Email Settings

Here you can

  • Change the email adress and header image of your page if you're allowed to do so
  • SMTP Server use this to configure SMTP integration
  • IMAP Server use this to configure IMAP integration

# Custom Tags

Here you can

  • Create tags for organization and handle tickets better

# Email Templates

Here you can

  • Create email templates that will be send to customers