# Tickets

# My tickets

  • Create tickets as staff
  • See your closed tickets

# New tickets

  • See unassigned tickets

# Search tickets

  • Do a more intensive research of the tickets
  • Filter tickets by date departments, status, owner, tags, authors, name and content

# How to create a new ticket

  1. Go to "Tickets"
  2. Go to "My tickets"
  3. Click on "Create Ticket" button
  4. Input some Title
  5. Select one Department
  6. Select one Language
  7. Input some Content
  8. Click on "CREATE TICKET" button

# How to filter tickets

  1. Go to "Tickets"
  2. Go to "New Tickets"/"My Tickets"
  3. Click on department list.
  4. Choose the department you want to filter from.

# How To Search by Keywords

  1. Go to "Tickets"
  2. Go to "All Tickets"
  3. Click on search box.
  4. Type the text you want to filter from.

# How to show Closed Tickets

  1. Go to "Tickets"
  2. Go to "All tickets"/"My Tickets"
  3. Click on "Show Closed Tickets" checkbox

# How to handle custom responses

A custom response is a template used when you need to respond a frequently asked issues

  • Allows you to personalize generic responses for customers in different languages for quick answers and better attention

# Create a new custom response

  1. Go to "Tickets"
  2. Go to "Custom Responses"
  3. Input some Title.
  4. Input some Content
  5. Select the language
  6. Click on "Save" button

# Use a Custom response

  1. Go to "Tickets"
  2. Go to "My tickets"
  3. Select a ticket.
  4. Go to "Respond" box
  5. Click on "Select custom response" search box.
  6. Choose the custom response you are looking for.
  7. Click on "RESPOND TICKET" button

# How to handle custom tags

# Create a new custom tag

  1. Go to "Settings"
  2. Go to "Custom Tags"
  3. Click on "CREATE CUSTOM TAG"
  4. Input some Name
  5. Select one Color
  6. Click on "SAVE" button

# Delete a custom tag

  1. Go to "Settings"
  2. Go to "Custom Tags"
  3. Click on the cross of the tag you want to delete "CREATE CUSTOM TAG"
  4. Click on "YES" button of the "Confirm action" box